Earthquake victims
  1976 / 1977: The old women at Grado: victims of the earthquake
He no longer has his studio, the most beautiful and biggest studio that he had ever had, and in which he had poured so many hopes. He feels wounded and demotivated, as if from that traumatic experience he would never return to painting. His house has been damaged and so he and his family move to Grado, one of the places to which many people from Friuli have been evacuated.
When he returnes from teaching at the Art Institute in Udine, he uses to wander restlessly around the town surrounded by lagoon and sea, until one day he happens to walk into a hotel where many elderly women are gathered from places affected by the disaster.
And then he starts to draw once more. Many years had passed since the neo–realist graphic work and Lucatello is certainly not an artist to repeat himself, now he is living different dimensions both in time and in reality. The memory returns of the tense and vibrant drawings of the coalmen, of the women victims of the flood in the lower Po valley, of the rice–weeders – of that sense of tragedy that seems to identify itself with the reference to suffering and hardship. When people from Friuli see these portraits they exclaim: “it’s my grandmother!”.



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